“The true kinship
between Zen and the martial arts, Taisen Deshimaru explained, lies in the fact
that both can lead us toward the ‘Spirit of the Way’. Any conflict, whether it
takes place within the body and mind, or outside them, is always a battle
against the self.”①-Taisen Deshimaru, The Zen Way to the Martial Arts, (London: Penquin-Arkana,
1982) 35. I contend we can insert ‘competitive cycling’
in the place of ‘martial arts’ and arrive at a system whereby Soto Zen
principles can be incorporated into the competitive cyclist’s training and
Master Deshimaru does offer one
important qualifier with his statement, “I have nothing against sports [insert
competitive cycling]; they [participants] train the body and develop stamina
and endurance. But the spirit of competition and power that presides over them
is not good; it reflects a distorted vision of life. The root of martial arts
is not there…In the spirit of Zen and Budo [‘the way of war’] everyday life
becomes the contest. There must be awareness at every moment-getting up in the
morning, working, eating, and going to bed. That’s the place for the mastery of
Ibid, pg.35I believe there’s much that can be taken from this philosophy and applied to the discipline of competitive cycling. I hold the “warrior” spirit to be an important component to the competitive cyclist’s mental approach to the sport.